Face Equality International
Blog February 13, 2021
Dating with a difference and the role of dating platforms

Zoe Cross “People with a disability should use a specialist dating site for the disabled. Achieving positive date matching outcomes for people with a visible disability can be challenging.” This essentially was the message a female would-be customer of a dating portal received recently. The woman involved is a BBC journalist and a wheelchair user

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Posts Tagged ‘Face Equality’

3 Models Underlying Assumptions About Disability

Backlash from disabled people about “The Witches” reveals harmful stereotypes. Kathleen R. Bogart Ph.D. Think about your underlying assumptions about disability. What causes disability? What are the sources of and solutions to disability-related challenges? Experts categorize ways of thinking about disability into three general models: moral, medical, or social (Olkin & Pledger, 2003). Our beliefs about disability are reflected […]

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The Importance of Representation in Children’s Books

The Adventures of Rory and Friends Two weeks after our daughter River was born we noticed a small red mark starting to appear under her nostril. Instantly we thought it could be a birthmark and asked our Health Visitor. She told us to wait and see, which we did. Over the next couple of weeks […]

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Finding Love with a Facial Difference

“Not quite a fashion model” Hi there, my name’s Zoë Cross – Zoë Anthea Cross. I wouldn’t stress my middle name so much, but I’ve discovered I have an Australian namesake who is a fashion model. Maybe one day I can still go into mature modelling, for people with a facial difference, but that’s a […]

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Acting, representation and the impact of negative depictions on screen

I hope that by being accepted into one of the top drama schools in the UK, it sets a foundation for more visibly different people to be inspired to apply and train to be an actor too. I want to prove to teachers, casting directors, producers, directors and the arts as a whole that people […]

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Different: A blog from Sharon

Growing up with a birthmark and the implications of negative depictions of facial difference on screen Sharon explores the offensive casting for the new Amazon Prime Lord of the Rings series, and what this means to her Different. I got used to that word from an early age. ‘You look different to other kids. Because […]

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Research into the mental health of people with facial differences

The role of attributions, shame, and self-compassion on the mental health of those with facial differences: Here’s how you can get involved Hi my name is Joel, I am 21 years old and I was born with a congenital facial palsy. I have had facial reanimation surgery to try to improve the movement in the […]

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To wear a face mask or not…

James Partridge, Founder of Face Equality International Wearing facial protection will soon become normal, according to the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 spokesman David Nabarro in an interview with the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p089cz1s Despite conflicting evidence about whether face masks are effective in protecting people from Covid-19 (eg: eyes can still be recipients of the droplets), Nabarro […]

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Chelsey Peat – My Decision Not to Hide

I was born with Sturge-Weber Syndrome, with a large port-wine stain birthmark covering the left side of my head and neck. Lots of extra blood vessels resulted in glaucoma and visible differences in my left eye. Growing up was a struggle, especially in a small town. My nickname from the bullies was “Two Face.” I […]

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