Face Equality International

Community Guidelines

It’s important that our social media channels are a safe and positive place for the community to have conversations and feel free to share their stories, as well as a welcoming place for people who are allies in our fight for #FaceEquality.

Our social media community guidelines

We use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to connect with our community, provide information about our work and share opportunities to get involved. These online communities are a place for information, sharing stories and community-building. 

It’s important that our social media channels are a safe and positive place for the community to have conversations and feel free to share their stories, as well as a welcoming place for people who are allies in our fight for #FaceEquality.

We ask you to follow the guidelines below when interacting with our social media channels:

Follow us on:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

Please note: Our social media channels are monitored 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) with reduced hours on weekends and bank holidays. 

If you have questions, we always aim to respond. 

If you see something on our social media channels that doesn’t seem right, or that makes you feel uncomfortable, please do make us aware.

If you have any ideas for how we can moderate our channels better, please let us know.

Danielle McWilliams and The Photo Voice Project

“I have worked in facial difference research for almost five years now – something I never ever thought I would say.”

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Whether you are a potential partner, supporter or simply want to receive regular updates - we'd love to hear from you.

Whether you are a potential partner, supporter or simply want to receive regular updates – we’d love to hear from you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.

Thank you for your interest and support.

    Please read our Privacy Policy here

    The mission of Face Equality International (FEI) is to mobilise the many groups and organisations, big and small, national and international, which support and represent people with facial differences and disfigurements and thereby to create the critical mass and solidarity needed to gain global attention for the campaign for face equality.

    About FEI

    Danielle McWilliams and The Photo Voice Project

    “I have worked in facial difference research for almost five years now – something I never ever thought I would say.”

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    “Two Sides of a Face”

    “I was reminded that one person can make a difference. I was reminded that I was that person; that I made a difference. That the start of my advocacy work started with a spark of anger”.

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    Pink Peonies

    My name is Logan Zelenak and I was born with a fast flow vascular anomaly in my left mandible. When I was nine I acquired a long scar from surgery ranging from the top of my left ear to the bottom of my neck. I’ve come a long way with accepting my facial difference, but like anyone would, I’ve had my fair share of bumps along the way.

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