Face Equality International

Changing Faces. The Challenge of facial disfigurement




Changing Faces has helped many thousands of people come to terms with a distinctive appearance or a facial disfigurement. Whilst it is especially relevant to people who have a disfigurement after an accident or major surgery, its emphasis on confidence-building also makes it invaluable reading for anyone who feels they have an unusual appearance.

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We are with you – but are you with us?  

We are an alliance of not-for-profits working to change that. We amplify the voices of individuals and organisations working with and for this community and we have just released our new position paper: Disfigurement and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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Facial Recognition Technology Challenges for People with Facial Differences 

Facial recognition technology works by mapping key points on a face and comparing them to a database of known faces. The accuracy of these systems heavily depends on the diversity and quality of the data used to train them.

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Seeking Trainers

“I feel like this is just the beginning of representation in all of the media, and to showcase how beautiful differences really are.”

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