Face Equality International
Blog February 13, 2021
Dating with a difference and the role of dating platforms

Zoe Cross “People with a disability should use a specialist dating site for the disabled. Achieving positive date matching outcomes for people with a visible disability can be challenging.” This essentially was the message a female would-be customer of a dating portal received recently. The woman involved is a BBC journalist and a wheelchair user

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Posts Tagged ‘disability’

We are with you – but are you with us?  

We are an alliance of not-for-profits working to change that. We amplify the voices of individuals and organisations working with and for this community and we have just released our new position paper: Disfigurement and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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Face Equality Reading List

A selection of books and reading material from authors with lived experience, or who have a loved one with a facial or visible difference.

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Carly Findlay at ‘Being Seen on Screen’

The way disabled people are shown on screen – often as the villain or having a tragic life –  shapes how people see us. I strongly believe this is why children have been scared of me. And so we need disabled people – not just on screen but in writers rooms, overseeing auditions, behind the camera and on awards panels.   

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Disability History Month – Cultural Context: From USA to UK

Clara delves into cultural context and disability history. Having grown up in the US and after a move to the UK, she shares experiences of the parallel movements.

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Some Observations on Disfigurement and Discrimination Pt. II

Negotiating the external world and the psychosocial complexities that ebb and flow from living your life with a clear visible difference does become even more of a challenge. But if you can recognise this fact a pathway can be created and entered whereby you flip the switch. 

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Hey Hollywood – Scars Don’t Make You Evil

Negotiating the external world and the psychosocial complexities that ebb and flow from living your life with a clear visible difference does become even more of a challenge. But if you can recognise this fact a pathway can be created and entered whereby you flip the switch. 

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Advocating to reduce ignorance, and increase protections

Negotiating the external world and the psychosocial complexities that ebb and flow from living your life with a clear visible difference does become even more of a challenge. But if you can recognise this fact a pathway can be created and entered whereby you flip the switch. 

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Fortune – A Blog for International Day of Persons with Disabilities

How your voice and experience can be a bridge to broadening an outsider’s view of living with a facial difference or/and disabilities, in the hope that it will bring forward a world where the social model of disability is a reality, and there is social equality for all.

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Why is Halloween difficult for the facial difference community?

When Halloween comes around, it is a very visible reminder that people think our differences make us scary.

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Intersectionality between the Facial Difference and Disability Community

Rasheera Dopson Intersectionality is defined as “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect, especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups (Merriam-Webster, 2021). For the purpose of this essay, I will be going outside the traditional boarders of […]

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