“Today, I learned that people are less likely to sit next to someone with a facial difference on the train. It’s not something we think about day-to-day, but it reflects the unconscious biases we carry. This training really opened my eyes to the stigmas and the impact they have on people’s lives.” – Eleanor, e-commerce sales
The problem of disfigurement discrimination has been forgotten in the push for diversity and inclusion.
Shockingly, many people with appearance affecting differences are:
- are ignored, stared at or even asked to leave some shops, restaurants and leisure facilities.
- still face abuse and name-calling at work
- are rejected from jobs because of their face.
Our new workplace training programme will empower and equip businesses by:
Answering questions
What does face equality mean? What is the right terminology to use? Is it ever OK to ask? How does facial difference affect someone?
Providing information and insight
- Lived-experience from trainers and first-hand stories through community video accounts
- Expert knowledge and research stats
Offering tips and resources
- When / how to show support
- Language, awkwardness, getting it right
- Dealing with customers
- Resources for HR teams to support your journey towards appearance-inclusion.
We offer in person and virtual lunch and learn sessions for all teams, individual champion training and bespoke offers for key sectors.
Interested? Email us on info@faceequalityinternational.org or use the contact form below.
Our Privacy Policy which you can find here.