Face Equality International

Workplace Face Equality Training

Interested in ending appearance discrimination in the workplace?

“Today, I learned that people are less likely to sit next to someone with a facial difference on the train. It’s not something we think about day-to-day, but it reflects the unconscious biases we carry. This training really opened my eyes to the stigmas and the impact they have on people’s lives.” – Eleanor, e-commerce sales

The problem of disfigurement discrimination has been forgotten in the push for diversity and inclusion.

Shockingly, many people with appearance affecting differences are:


Our new workplace training programme will empower and equip businesses by:

Answering questions

What does face equality mean? What is the right terminology to use? Is it ever OK to ask? How does facial difference affect someone?

Providing information and insight

Offering tips and resources


We offer in person and virtual lunch and learn sessions for all teams, individual champion training and bespoke offers for key sectors.

Interested? Email us on info@faceequalityinternational.org or use the contact form below.

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    We are with you – but are you with us?  

    We are an alliance of not-for-profits working to change that. We amplify the voices of individuals and organisations working with and for this community and we have just released our new position paper: Disfigurement and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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    Whether you are a potential partner, supporter or simply want to receive regular updates – we’d love to hear from you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media.

    Thank you for your interest and support.

      Please read our Privacy Policy here

      The mission of Face Equality International (FEI) is to mobilise the many groups and organisations, big and small, national and international, which support and represent people with facial differences and disfigurements and thereby to create the critical mass and solidarity needed to gain global attention for the campaign for face equality.

      About FEI

      We are with you – but are you with us?  

      We are an alliance of not-for-profits working to change that. We amplify the voices of individuals and organisations working with and for this community and we have just released our new position paper: Disfigurement and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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      Facial Recognition Technology Challenges for People with Facial Differences 

      Facial recognition technology works by mapping key points on a face and comparing them to a database of known faces. The accuracy of these systems heavily depends on the diversity and quality of the data used to train them.

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      Seeking Trainers

      “I feel like this is just the beginning of representation in all of the media, and to showcase how beautiful differences really are.”

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